what are the 11 risk factors for hypertension?

To have a basic and comprehensive understanding about the prevalence, risk factors and disease management situation of hypertension among floating population in China. Prevalence and risk factors of childhood hypertension in urban-rural areas of China: a cross . Blood pressure can increase steadily with age as . Tobacco use (54.5%) was the least known risk factor for hypertension by the respondents. Results: In total, 1076 (54.9%) respondents were found to be hypertensive. Most people with hypertension are unaware of the problem because it may have no warning signs or symptoms. Risk factors for hypertension include old age, smoking, being a male, being African American, being obese, having a family history of hypertension, having a diet that is high in sodium, drinking, and constantly being stressed out What is the definition of essential hypertension? Smoking can damage the heart and blood vessels. long-term kidney infections. The top 10 risk factors for high blood pressure include: Being overweight or obese The more you weigh the more blood flow you need to supply oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. For an adult 45 years of age without hypertension, the 40-year risk for developing hypertension is 93% for African Americans, 92% for Hispanics, 86% for whites, and 84% for Chinese adults. 11, November 2017 Assessment of the risk factors of hypertension among adult & elderly group in twin cities of Pakistan 1667 Table-3: Bivariate relationship between risk factors and hypertension. For example, one study found that the risk of preeclampsia is 4.1% in the first pregnancy compared to 1.7% in later pregnancies. Reports of hypertension AEs were evaluated for potential risk factors (Table 6). Liang X, Xiao L, Luo Y, Xu J. Examining risk factors for hypertension in Ghana: evidence from the Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health Eric Y. Tenkorang, Vincent Kuuire, Isaac Luginaah, and Emmanuel Banchani Global Health Promotion 2015 24 : 1 , 14-26 Stress-related habits such as eating more, using tobacco or drinking alcohol can lead to further increases in blood pressure. Of these, 569 occurred in subjects with hypertension and 577 in those without hypertension, corresponding to incidence rates of 29.1 and 12.0 per 1000 person-years, respectively, and a relative . With nearly 70% deaths related to CVDs in the low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), the WHO data . Risk factors. Significant associations (p <0.001) with hypertension were noted for increasing age, low physical All of these three non-replicated, positive response distributions are non-Normal with . 7-9 The prevalence of hypertension in China has risen sharply in recent years, 10 however most studies focus on the prognosis of patients with hypertension and disease management, such as the prevention of adverse cardiovascular events. Unlike some diseases with only one or a few genes as risk factors, familial hypertension can result from variations in hundreds of different genes, according to a 2019 study of more than 750,000 . Increasing age is a risk factor in most studies. Tobacco Use Tobacco use increases your risk for high blood pressure. In 2010, hypertension was the leading cause of death and disability-adjusted life-years worldwide, and a greater contributor to events in women and African . Known causes of high blood pressure. If it's your first pregnancy, then you're at higher risk for preeclampsia. The onset of pulmonary hypertension in BPD has been associated with poor morbidity- and mortality-related outcomes in infants. associations between risk factors and hypertension. • Approximately 7.6 million deaths (13 -15% of the total) and 92 million disability- adjusted life years worldwide (2001) • Doubles the risk of cardiovascular diseases • often is associated with additional cardiovascular disease risk factors. Common, preventable risk factors underlie most noncommunicable diseases. Hypertension is an independent and major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Optimal cardiovascular protection of persons with elevated . High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common disease that develops when blood flows through your arteries at higher-than-normal pressures. Nicotine raises blood pressure, and breathing in carbon monoxide—which is produced from smoking tobacco—reduces the amount of oxygen that your blood can carry. The hypertension incidence was 17.2/100 person-years, based on 2833.63 person-years of cohort group follow-up. A cross-sectional survey was performed in an occupational sample of 4198 employees aged 20-59 years on Qinghai . The purpose of this study was to estimate the rate of the progression to hypertension and to reveal the associated risk factors. Multiple logistic regression was used to examine each significant risk factor on hypertension after adjusted for confounders. The analysis of associated risk factors among There was no statistically significant difference between hypertensives showed that only 6 (5.1%) patients had no men and women for each level of blood pressure while risk factor, 29 (24.8%) had one risk factor, 58 (49.6%) isolated systolic hypertension was significantly more had two risk factors . Other potential risk factors were unknown for approximately half of the events. [3 23] Obesity - both generalized and abdominal is risk factors for hypertension in the INDIAB study as well as in the study . 11, November 2017 Assessment of the risk factors of hypertension among adult & elderly group in twin cities of Pakistan 1667 Table-3: Bivariate relationship between risk factors and hypertension. The present study has identified many hypertension risk factors of 558 patients who underwent DSE by separately analyzing the three blood pressure responses, namely, basal, systolic, and maximum, based on the remaining other explanatory variables (Table 1). Features of persistent portal hypertension in eight patients after 9.7 ± 3.4 years (mean ± SD) of treatment were more common in late presenters. Long-term follow-up of 11 children with 6-thioguanine-induced hepatoportal toxicity is described. Too much salt (sodium) in your diet Approximately 65% of these deaths occur in asymptomatic women. Signs and Symptoms [edit | edit source] Hypertension is called a "silent killer". Common conditions coexisting with type 2 diabetes (e.g., hypertension and dyslipidemia) are clear risk factors for ASCVD, and diabetes itself confers independent risk. Future original studies, systematic reviews and meta- analyses, including individual -level meta -analyses, could complement the current evidence. J Hum Hypertens. A number of factors increase the risk of hypertension. Risk Factors of Hypertensive Urgencies (OSADA) The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. We should pay more attention to modulating metabolic risk factors and lifestyle to reduce the new onset hypertension in China. Certain chronic conditions also may increase your risk of high blood pressure, including kidney disease, diabetes and sleep apnea. Methods This is a community-based study conducted among adults of a rural population in the Rishi Valley, India. nificant relationship of risk factor index with reasons of hypertension knowledge index (r=−0.08, p 0.17), con-sequences of hypertension knowledge index (r=0.04, p 0.50), and knowledge of preventive measures index, respectively(r=−0.11,p 0.06). Risk Factors for Essential Hypertension In the vast majority of cases, the precise mechanism of hypertension remains unknown, however, a number of statistically related circumstances can be identified for it. Your blood pressure is made up of two numbers: systolic and diastolic. We obtained measures of blood pressure, height, weight, waist and hip . The major risk factors which we have been hearing since decades for causing hypertension are high salt diet, obesity, hyperlipidaemia, age, race, consuming tobacco, sedentary lifestyle, stress, drinking too much alcohol etc. Thyroid dysfunction, sleep apnea and diabetes have been linked to secondary hypertension. Hypertension is a widespread chronic disease. Little information is available on the epidemiology of hypertension and prehypertension at high altitude in China, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of hypertension, prehypertension and their risk factors among Chinese working population at high altitude regions. Compared to the general population, hypertension is more severe among African Americans. The researchers suggest it's largely because . Hypertension or high blood pressure (hereafter BP) as one of the leading risk factors of global disease burden has contributed to a considerable number of premature deaths worldwide [].It has become a major public health problem as 1 in 4 men, and 1 in 5 women had hypertension worldwide in 2015 [].Hypertension is a form of the cardiovascular disorder that results from a wide . Background: Pulmonary hypertension is one of the most common co-morbidities in infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), but its risk factors are unclear. 4 more than 70% of patients with a first stroke, heart attack, or heart failure have had … Prevalence and risk factors of childhood hypertension from birth through childhood: a retrospective cohort study. The prevalence of hypertension in adults is increasing each year and has become a main public health issue worldwide. [3 22 23 26 31] Females are twice at risk for HTN in the current study whereas ICMR-INDIAB study and a study from tribal Uttarakhand show a higher prevalence among males. Chemicals such as amphetamines, antidepressants and even caffeine can lead to hypertension. Vol. Systolic pressure is the pressure when the ventricles pump blood out of the heart. That study also identified both age and smoking as minor risk factors. different mechanisms contribute to the pathogenesis of hypertension including cardiac output, peripheral resistance, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system … In 2010, hypertension was the leading cause of death and disability-adjusted life-years worldwide, and a greater contributor to events in women and African . The analysis of associated risk factors among There was no statistically significant difference between hypertensives showed that only 6 (5.1%) patients had no men and women for each level of blood pressure while risk factor, 29 (24.8%) had one risk factor, 58 (49.6%) isolated systolic hypertension was significantly more had two risk factors . 3. Causes of Hypertension Acute stress and unfavourable environmental factors are the main factors for increasing blood pressure in normal and healthy individuals. In Table 5, binary logistic regression analysis findings Vol. Risk factors related to the development of hypertension The control of blood pressure is a complex process and is regulated by number of factors as mentioned in Table 1. Age-adjusted Cox regression coefficient showed that the significant risk factors for developing hypertension were older age, higher HbA 1c, BMI, elevated triglycerides (>1.8 mmol/l) and creatinine (>115 mmol/l), smoking, proteinuria, microalbuminuria, lack of physical . Hypertension accelerates atherogenesis by a complex process involving coexisting risk factors all of which impair endothelial function. In a meta-analysis, the . What are the risk factors for hypertension? Assessment of Methodological Quality and Selection Behind risk factors for developing hypertension him, there were two bodyguards, dressed Risk Factors For Developing Hypertension in black suits beta blocker high blood pressure medications and sunglasses, not too different from the kind of bodyguards on TV shows. 1 This accounts for 9.4 million deaths and a minimum of 45-51% cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). We sought to depict the clinical manifestation of IDH and isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) to find a more efficient way to improve the management. Age: Hypertension is more common in people who are more than 65 years of age. Introduction. We should pay more attention to modulating metabolic risk factors and lifestyle to reduce the new onset hypertension in China. New onset hypertension in Beijing community residents is mainly related with prehypertension, overweight or obesity, MS, frequent alcohol drinking and low education level. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is the most common primary diagnosis in the United States, [] and it is one of the most common worldwide diseases afflicting humans and is a major risk factor for stroke, myocardial infarction, vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease. Hypertension prevalence was 12.5% in urban, compared with 10.6% in rural location. Hypertension is the strongest or one of the strongest risk factors for almost all different cardiovascular diseases acquired during life, including coronary disease, left ventricular hypertrophy and valvular heart diseases, cardiac arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation, cerebral stroke and renal failure. The report found that systolic hypertension (over 169 mmHg, a 2.4-fold excess mortality risk), use of diuretics, renal failure, and diabetes with fasting glucose > 7.2 mmol/L (approximately twofold) were less important factors. This study was designed to elucidate the clinical and metabolic characteristics of the prevalence of hypertension in adults and to explore the risk factors and . The co-existence of both conditions accelerates the related complications and increases morbidities and mortalities. The most important modifiable . diabetes. Risk prediction of hypertension is an intervention that contributes to the early prevention and management of hypertension. High blood pressure—also known as hypertension—is a major risk factor for chronic diseases including stroke, coronary heart disease, heart failure and chronic kidney disease. Certain chronic conditions. The following risk factors were significantly associated with increased risk of preeclampsia: type 1 diabetes (odds ratio = 5.58, 95% confidence interval 2.72-11.43), gestational diabetes (odds ratio = 3.11, 95% confidence interval 1.61-6.00), and twin birth (odds ratio = 4.17,95% confidence interval 2.30-7.55). The risk factors for CHD such as socio-economic status, family history, obesity, smoking, physical activity and hypertension were studied. suboptimal bp is also common in the united states, with an estimated 73.6 million people having hypertension (33% of the population >20 years of age) and another 53.6 million individuals with prehypertension (25% of the population >20 years of age). independent of other risk factors, however, has not been fully elucidated. We must consider the impact of both individual factors and interactions among these factors on hypertension in adults. 67, No. The risk factors for high blood pressure include poor diet (particularly a high salt intake . Hypertension arises as a result of abnormal functions of these factors including neurohumoral, renal, metabolic, race, genetic, and environmental factors that leads to the . The most common risk factors for high BP mentioned were excessive worrisome thoughts (97.5%) and stressful lifestyle (87.3%), respectively. Hypertension is highly prevalent and is one of the modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular outcomes. Results. Hypertension, which was uncommon in SSA, has now become an emerging health threat due to increased risk factors from lifestyle changes.6 Some common risk factors include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyle, obesity and unhealthy diet (eg, high salt intake and reduced consumption of fruit and vegetable).7 8 SSA is however . High blood pressure (BP) is the leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), and hypertension ranks first as a cause of disability-adjusted life years worldwide ( 1, 2 ). Hypertension as a risk factor for acquiring SARS CoV -2 infection has not been studied by systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Hypertension (high blood pressure) is the leading risk factor associated with death in the world. We review the present knowledge of risk factors for arterial hypertension. The outcome variable was the prevalence of NCD risk factors overall and by type (e.g., hypertension, alcohol consumption, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and other relevant risk factors). Compared to the general population, hypertension occurs at an earlier age among African Americans. In about 1 in 20 cases, high blood pressure happens as the result of an underlying health condition or taking a certain medicine. Hypertension risk factors and prevention This year on World Hypertension Day , the theme is "Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer." More than one billion people around the world live with hypertension (high blood pressure), putting them at risk of avoidable medical complications and death (hypertension risks factors). A cross-sectional study was conducted in Nahr an Nil State (River Nile State) in Sudan between May and August 2018 to identify the prevalence of hypertension and risk factors among patients with DM in that region. This study is to find out the relationship between risk factors such as age, obesity, gender, genetics, stress, physical activity, salt, smoking and primary hypertension. Little is known regarding . hypertension, the major factor lead to mortality, is the increase in systolic and/or diastolic pressure and the risk factors which lead to hypertension are smoking, stress, salt, obesity etc. Overall¸ a large percentage of the respondents (72.5%) had good knowledge of the behavioral risk factors for high BP. 2.6. 2020; 34:151-164. doi: 10.1038/s41371-019-0282-z Crossref Medline Google Scholar; 25. The data reveal that the age-adjusted prevalence of hypertension in India was 11.3% and the prevalence was four percentage points higher in men (13.8%) than in women (10.9%). 67, No. Both genetic and environmental factors as well as their interaction and biological plausibility are reviewed. ? id=10.1371/journal.pone.0247956 '' > Sex differences in prevalence and risk factors in preventing or ASCVD! The pressure when the ventricles pump blood out of the problem because it may have no warning signs or.! 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what are the 11 risk factors for hypertension?

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