Winning Street Outlaws-No Prep- Great way to start the Season!
First and foremost I want to thank Discovery Channels, Street Outlaws-No Prep show, Gary Macon and Chris Johnsen for making this happen on very short notice . Thank you for what you guys are doing to help progress M otorcycle D rag Racing in front of the 2 2, 000+ race fans and the 3.4 million viewers this show gets every Wednesday. Autographing little smiling kids hats was the icing on the cake .
We got the call two weeks ago Thursday to attend that weekends taping of the S treet O utlaws race at Galot Motor Speedway in NC airing April 18th. Unfortunately both our ProStreet and Grudge CBR1000rr’s were in stages of completion for the Man Cup season opener in Valdosta, GA April 6-8, and NHDRO season opener in Atlanta, GA April 13-15. The crowd liked the bikes enough for the producers to ask Gary and Chris to see if they could get the bikes to the taping of the two hour season Finale this past weekend in Tulsa, OK. This time CJ (Chris) called with a whopping 4 days notice. We took parts from the ProStreet bike to complete the Grudge bike by late Thursday night and were in Tulsa 11 hours later.
Over 22 sportbike teams and 14 V-twin bikes showed up to put on one hell of a show for the crowd. When Frankie and Ryan Hable wheelied mid track at over 120mph and rode it out, the crowd went crazy. Frankie and J amalle B rown put on a great show in the final . Every brand except one showed up but the Stotz Racing-Honda CBR1000rr took home the Gold! We used all of our past Championship experience from KOTS (King Of The Street) (also No Prep) to help us dominate the S treet O utlaws -No Prep season Finale.
Special thanks to Kurt Sikora of Sikora Precision for helping us make this happen in very short notice. All of Chi-town helped in many ways. Craig and Wally from F lowtech , Anthony at Fornarelli Racing, Doug at Legend Racing, Brian at Win Racing. The Discovery Channel has a GIANT social media program with many millions of followers. This show will air for many months in reruns also. Hopefully this is the start of some big things for Motorcycle Drag Racing and the Stotz Racing-Honda team.